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TEACH Project


Translating and implementing Evidence based theory and Assessment into the Classroom practice to Heighten education for all - An Erasmus+ KA2 project


The TEACH-project (Translating and implementing Evidence based theory and Assessment into the Classroom practice to Heighten education for all) is a strategic partnership consisting of four organizations from four European countries. TOPunt Gent (an association of the Pupil Guidance Centers Ghent), the Universidad de Granada (faculty for Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatment), Tallinna Haridusamet (Tallinn Education Department) and Skolförvaltningen Mölndals stad (Childcare and Education department Mölndal) want to build a bridge between theory and practice, between knowledge organizations and the field of education.

There is a lot of international research on what works to improve children’s learning opportunities and to improve assessment and the guidance of pupils but we need more active knowledge transfer from theory to practice. Through this project we want to implement evidence based, effective and inclusive approaches into the classroom practice and the support system for pupils (with specific educational needs). We focus on translating theory and findings of research into good practices across Europe, to provide helpful recommendations to improve the quality of the education for all children at school and to have a higher impact on learning .











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